Live By Design Podcast | Ditch Overwhelm, Take Imperfect Action, & Pursue Your Goals With Confidence

How the Goldilocks Rule Relates to Motivation – Inspired by Atomic Habits

Kate House Season 3 Episode 121

Today I’m diving into one of my favorite books, Atomic Habits by James Clear! I have a ridiculous amount of takeaways from this book - the whole thing is underlined, dog-eared, and annotated…my grandma (who reveres books!) would be a little aghast at how marked up this book is, but I think it’s just a testament to how much I’ve learned! 😉

One of my favorite takeaways from Atomic Habits is the Goldilocks Rule, which tells us that humans experience peak motivation when working on tasks that are right on the edge of our current abilities. So it’s not too easy, not too hard, but just right (just like Goldilocks!).

So if you have found yourself:

🌟 lacking motivation

🌟 feeling stuck in pursuit of your goals

🌟 losing steam

🌟 having a hard time showing up for yourself

…then today’s episode was recorded just for you, friend. I found James’ insights to be super encouraging, inspiring, and most importantly, actionable. So tune in today if you too are ready to pursue goals of just manageable difficulty in order to create and sustain motivation!


Connect with Liz Chapman - Podcast Manager


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