Live By Design Podcast | Ditch Overwhelm, Take Imperfect Action, & Pursue Your Goals With Confidence

Bonus: "I See You, And It's Beautiful" with Bridget Covill

Kate House / Bridget Covill Season 2 Episode 63

Do you need someone to speak light and love into your day, friend? To remind you that you're perfect - exactly as you are?  Then sit back, pour a fresh cup of coffee, and press play because have I got the perfect guest for you!

During today's conversation, Connection Coach Bridget Covill shares what words of wisdom she wishes she could share with a younger version of herself, and it was so beautiful that it brought tears to both of our eyes! What Bridget shares is something I think we all need to hear, and that is - "I see you, and it's beautiful."

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Health Coaching with Kate: And if you're feeling like health coaching might be the right fit for you, I'd love to schedule a free Discovery Call with you to see if we'd work well in a coaching relationship! You can learn more about my 6 Month Coaching Program here!

Connect with Bridget
@thriving_mamma | resilient relationships free masterclass | think and thrive coaching | group coaching experience - fall 2021 | 5 step relationship guide


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  • Release perfectionism and embrace the messy beauty of growth
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  • Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance and possibility
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